Know more about your student's VISA
If you want to study in Australia, you must need a student VISA. You have to follow some procedures to apply for your student VISA.
After getting admitted to your institution, the institution will provide an offer letter to you. If you accept the written offer letter and pay the first terms of your tuition fees, the institution will send you a COE or Confirmation of Enrollment. With this document, you can apply for your student VISA. This COE is equally important to take part in the language skill test program and applying for scholarships from the Australian Government.
You must create an account with the Australian Immigration Authorities and submit your details for the further VISA procedure
Required List of Documents for Australia Student Visa
- The COE or Confirmation of Enrollment from your university or college
- OSHC Health Insurance
- Proof of your reason for the temporary stay
- Proof of your age
- Evidence of your financial abilities, including a bank statement
- Scores of your last examinations
- Scores on English language test
- Employment certificates, if any
- Proof of your no criminal record